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Wood office desk table with laptop computer, cup of lattee coffee, eye glasses, and suppli


The companies and causes I work with often bring me in when they're stuck in the jargon weeds. Or maybe the challenge is bandwidth. No shortage of great ideas, just not enough time or staff to produce that newsletter or write that speech.


That's when you need a curious word nerd with a can-do, collaborative approach to zeroing in on your best stories, giving voice to the positive impact you're making in the world.


Some of the amazing companies and causes I've worked with since making the leap from journalism to storytelling strategy:

  • Arts Corps

  • Brooks Running Company

  • Camp Fire Central Puget Sound

  • Children's Oncology Group Foundation

  • Tara Conklin, NYT best-selling novelist

  • FareStart

  • Friends of San Juan Islands

  • Girl Friday Productions

  • Sound (formerly Sound Mental Health)

  • Southeast Youth & Family Services

  • Terrewode Women's Fund

  • University of Washington Bothell

  • Vonnegut Thoreau Construction

  • Western Washington University

“It takes unique skills and talents, in-depth experience and knowledge, and a passion for communicating from the heart to be a stellar storyteller. Liz Gillespie has it all – and more. It was an honor to collaborate with Liz at my company for more than four years and to continue to count her among the region’s most gifted professional communicators!”

Teresa Moore,

Founder & Principal
Moore Ink. PR & Fundraising Communications

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